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​Research and Development

Major service

5 major areas of government funding

Corporate Finance Advisory

Research Talent Hub (RTH)

(merged the previous Researcher Programme and Postdoctoral Hub)

Research Talent Hub for ITF projects (RTH-ITF)

Research Talent Hub for Incubatees and I&T Tenants of the HKSTPC and the Cyberport (RTH-SPC)

Research Talent Hub for Technology Companies Conducting R&D Activities in Hong Kong (RTH-TC)


Hiring research talent


Bachelor degree from local university
Maximum monthly allowance of HKD18,000 


Master degree from local university

Maximum monthly allowance of HKD21,000 


PhD degree from local university

Maximum monthly allowance of HKD32,000 

For more details about the research talent hub, please visit the Innovation and Technology Commission or contact us


HKSTP and Cyberport incubatees and tenants engaged in innovation and technology work.

Each applicant company can hire up to four research talents at the same time.

​Research talents must be legally permitted to work in Hong Kong, and must hold a bachelor's or master's degree from a local university, or a doctorate from a local university or a specially recognized non-local institution;

  • The degree awarded must be related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The maximum monthly allowance for researchers with a bachelor's degree from a local university is HKD$18,000 ;

  • The maximum monthly allowance for those with a master's degree from a local university is HKD$21,000 ;

  • The maximum monthly allowance for PhD holders is HKD$32,000 


The employment period of each research talent is generally up to 36 months.

Eligible companies and organizations can submit applications online. All technology companies that conduct R&D activities in Hong Kong, incubation companies in Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport, and tenants engaged in innovation and technology work, and receive funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund for R&D Both institutions and companies of the project can apply.

Image by Dylan Gillis

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